Return Policy
You have 7 days to return your item for store credit only. We do not include ship time in this window, meaning we ask it is packed up and shipped back to us within 7 days of you receiving your item(s). No purchases are eligible for a refund.
Items that cannot be returned include all swimwear, all white/off white/ivory/sand beige items, all hats/headwear, all shoes, any embellished/sequin items, and all bras. We do not accept these items back for hygenic reasons. If you need special accommodations, please feel free to reach out and we may be able to help you.
If you are unsure if the item you are ordering is a final sale, please do not hesitate to reach out! We appreciate your patience and understanding, as we are a small, local business.
We do not provide return shipping labels. You may use any mail carrier & any secure packaging convenient to you to ship it back to us at:
The Beach Corner, 145 Cherry Street Suite 2a New Canaan CT 06840
Please be sure to include the packing slip from your order. We inspect all merchandise upon receipt, and will only accept returns on merchandise that is unworn, undamaged, and has tags still on.
Thank you for shopping The Beach Corner for all your vacation needs & summer fun in the sun!!